Where we place our feet matters.
Every context is different, filled with unique assets, needs, opportunities and threats.
Missional-Incarnational teams must understand there is an ethos, a culture, a rich history in each of the 77 neighborhoods of Chicago. Ministry will look different depending on where one heeds the call to serve.
Every context is different, filled with unique assets, needs, opportunities and threats.
Missional-Incarnational teams must understand there is an ethos, a culture, a rich history in each of the 77 neighborhoods of Chicago. Ministry will look different depending on where one heeds the call to serve.
Jesus is already there.
We aren’t taking Jesus to the city. The city doesn’t need any savior-complex Christians. It needs ministry teams who have the capacity to discern God’s working throughout the unique neighborhoods, identifying Kingdom connectionsthat can facilitate partnership in Kingdom endeavors.
We aren’t taking Jesus to the city. The city doesn’t need any savior-complex Christians. It needs ministry teams who have the capacity to discern God’s working throughout the unique neighborhoods, identifying Kingdom connectionsthat can facilitate partnership in Kingdom endeavors.
The Spirit is ever-creative.
There is no prescriptive method that will make sense in every community throughout the city. If we are concerned about contextual, holistic flourishing, we must trust the Spirit of God to unleash the latent potential of missional-incarnational teams to imagine unique expressions of the Kingdom.
There is no prescriptive method that will make sense in every community throughout the city. If we are concerned about contextual, holistic flourishing, we must trust the Spirit of God to unleash the latent potential of missional-incarnational teams to imagine unique expressions of the Kingdom.
Love compels all action.
Ministry in the city must be motivated by the love of God, a compassion for the broken and battered, the lonely and lost, the weary and the wounded. Ministry can’t be motivated by metrics, expectations of success or recognition. Every Kingdom-endeavor finds its origin in the heart of God for all people.
Ministry in the city must be motivated by the love of God, a compassion for the broken and battered, the lonely and lost, the weary and the wounded. Ministry can’t be motivated by metrics, expectations of success or recognition. Every Kingdom-endeavor finds its origin in the heart of God for all people.
No one goes alone.
Missional-incarnational ministry requires a deep web of connectedness. Reach77 values team-based ministry. Ministry in urban environments can be a lonely experience. We are seeking leaders who have the capacity to gather around themselves healthy teams to share life and the load of ministry.
Missional-incarnational ministry requires a deep web of connectedness. Reach77 values team-based ministry. Ministry in urban environments can be a lonely experience. We are seeking leaders who have the capacity to gather around themselves healthy teams to share life and the load of ministry.
Don’t rush it.
Ministry in the city takes time. Too often ministry in the city is sabotaged by a race for results and need for ministry support. It takes time to learn the ebbs and flows of the city environment, to get to know one’s neighbors, to care well for a neighborhood. Co-Vocational ministry takes the pressure off the time line.
Ministry in the city takes time. Too often ministry in the city is sabotaged by a race for results and need for ministry support. It takes time to learn the ebbs and flows of the city environment, to get to know one’s neighbors, to care well for a neighborhood. Co-Vocational ministry takes the pressure off the time line.